Saturday, October 18, 2014

Welcome... Or Not Yet At Least

"Catholic Bishops Scrap Welcome To Gays"
By: Vatican City(AP)
Source: Huffington Post

On Saturday, catholic bishops in Vatican City decided to take away the welcome to gays. Many propositions other than welcoming homosexuals were declined also."Two other paragraphs concerning the other hot-button issue at the synod of bishops - whether divorced and civilly remarried Catholics can receive Communion - also failed to pass" (1). The paragraph concerning the homosexual individuals stated that respect and hospitality needs to be given to these people even though it defies the order of God, but the paragraph did not pass the two-thirds majority which was needed for it to pass. "Rather than considering gays as individuals who had gifts to offer the church, the revised paragraph referred to homosexuality as one of the problems Catholic families have to confront. It said "people with homosexual tendencies must be welcomed with respect and delicacy," but repeated church teaching that marriage is only between man and woman. The paragraph failed to reach the two-thirds majority needed to pass." (1) The end result of all these votes showed that the church is spilt up into different viewpoints and perspectives. Some Catholic protesters who are pro-gay said that the outcome was disappointing. Although they were disappointed they looked at the bright side, which was the openness to even discuss the topic of welcoming homosexuals.

Many people would have thought the world was extremely far away from seeing a possible consideration from the Vatican City, that gays or homosexuals may be possibly welcomed. Although the proposal was denied because it did not meet the majority of votes which were needed, it shows that people have come a long way from being closed-minded to open-minded. If the Vatican City, the most religious place on this earth, gave some thought to welcome gays, there should not be any reason why anyone else would not. The Vatican City set a precedent on Saturday, a precedent that will sooner or later revolutionize the world and bring it one step closer to welcoming homosexuals in the holy city.

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