Sunday, October 5, 2014

Community Service

Community service being a mandatory priority or being an optional extra curricular aspect in a students doings to be able to graduate has been argued for years and community service still remains to be a mandatory priority for the students who wish to make it to an exceptional university in order to succeed with excellence. Some of these documents suggest community service to be an action which is mandatory while other documents suggest community service to be an optional doing. Both documents provide logos and ethos, it just depends on what side the majority is on and that takes persuasion but mainly what the majority already thinks is the correct path to go with community service. As said in document number 2 community service is needed to stay mandatory for the survival of the community that we help. The Dalton School said, "We must each play a role in contributing to our communities so that these communities can continue to survive and prosper" (pg. 155). The Dalton School provided a useful fact because if thought about without the service and volunteering of students, not many people are going to volunteer out of having a good heart. The community needs to continue to grow and by the mandatory community service hours that have been implemented in a high school students life in order to graduate has been a great move toward the well being and health of the community. This way the community that the student chooses to help will be aided by other students as well and by students who will be coming in as the next freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and even seniors.  Community service should be a mandatory service to high school students so that the community will be given a chance to, like the Dalton School said, "survive and prosper" and that is how students gain experience and realize what they want to do and what type of individual they want to continue their life as.

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