Sunday, October 5, 2014

Share The Attention!

"Yemen's Capital Fell To A Rebel Group And The World Hardly Noticed"
By: Eline Gordts
Source: Huffington Post

A Shiite rebel group has taken over Yemen, but nobody seemed to notice until they recently established an agreement brought by the UN which allows a new government to be formed without the constant killing and the non-stop fighting. Eline Gordts said,"Last week, a Shiite rebel group that had taken over swaths of Yemen, including its capital, signed a UN-brokered agreement with other political parties to form a new government and end the fighting that has claimed the lives of at least 300 people" (1). Disregarding the push for peace, Yemen is still appeared to have many political conflicts ahead. Houthi fighters attacked Yemen and in a couple days made the army of Yemen stand down while the Houthi fighters took control of the major governmental posts in the capitol of Sanaa. Background information about the Houthis would be, "The Houthis belong to Yemen's Zaydi minority, a Shia sect that controlled the country until 1962. The group started as a Zaydi revivalist movement in the '90s, with its power base in the northern Saada province, on the border with Saudi Arabia. It was named after its then-leader Hussein al-Houthi, but its members refer to themselves as Ansar Allah, which means "Partisans Of God"" (1). This is not something new. The Houthis have had six wars between the central government throughout the years 2004 and 2010. 

For starters, the world should have paid more attention the falling out of Yemen's central government. Knowing that nobody noticed while the rebel group that has been trying to get control of the country finally does, is scary because the world should be more aware and involved in the out going of country conflicts especially between rebel groups who have aspirations and to take over because they have the ambition and relentlessness to do so. Yemen and these other second or third world countries need more attention and the first world countries and the UN should provide them with it.

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