Sunday, October 19, 2014

Schools Have Education Mixed Up With Memorization

Schools have it mixed up nowadays. The say they are providing education to the students but they are not. Schools are giving memorization lessons. Students are more interested in passing the test rather than fully comprehending the material. If the GPA was not as emphasized as it is, students would probably stop memorizing so much and realize that since grades are not the distinguishing factor for if a student is considered smart or not, which they are, they would learn the subject instead of find a way to get the material stuck in their head for a day, pass the test, then completely forget about what they even took the test on after a week. Another thing that schools are doing; they are sending us into the world blindly. They should focus more on teaching us material that will be useful throughout the students life, not something that will never be used like imaginary numbers, unless a student decides to major in mathematics. Schools have it all wrong. By indirectly telling students that grades define them and that is how universities will distinguish them is the reason why students memorize instead of getting educated. Some schools do not challenge the student the way they are supposed to be which leads the student to slack off and not care. Although schools are the opening pathway to a potentially lucrative and dreamlike future for the students, they are also responsible for putting a blindfold on the students entering the intrinsic depths of life.

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