Saturday, April 11, 2015

I Guess Everything Is Possible

"Barack Obama And Cuba President Raul Castro Make History With First Sit-Down Meeting"
By: Igor Bobic
Source: Huffington Post

Barack Obama and Raul Castro made history. America and Cuba had not met for over 50 years and these two presidents broke the streak, trying to come to an amends. ""This is obviously an historic meeting," Obama said. After 50 years of U.S. embargo toward Cuba, "it was time for us to try something new, that it was important for us to engage more directly with the Cuban government and the Cuban people. And as a consequence, I think we are now in a position to move on a path towards the future, and leave behind some of the circumstances of the past that have made it so difficult, I think, for our countries to communicate"" (Source 1). Both presidents met in the Panama City, "in a small room in the convention center, and were seated next to each other in "the same set up as when world leaders are hosted in the Oval Office‎"" (Source 1). Cuba is on the United States' list for terrorism and after this meeting Obama mentioned how he is considering removing Cuba from this particular list, which would not make them a terrorist country in the eyes of the U.S. Individuals may have thought that it would be just a one time thing but, "On Friday, the two leaders greeted each other and shook hands for the second time ever. A White House official described the encounter as an "informal interaction, with no substantive conversation between the two"". (Source 1)

Barack Obama meeting with Raul Castro is definitely historic. It is an extremely astonishing change if carried out to be neutral or possibly ally Cuba. The feud has been going on for too long and if during these conclaves, they reach an understanding, it would be one less enemy to worry about. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

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