Sunday, March 8, 2015

Gender Roles

What is the impact of the gender roles that society creates and enforces?

Society has an extremely drastic impact on gender roles. Not only is the impact grave but it is also enforced throughout everyday life. Men are subject to being the protector, having the more masculine build, being a handyman, and providing for the family such as expenses and so fort. Women are perceived as the caretakers, making sure there is food on the table, and also providing for the family, but less than men. Everyone’s perception of men and women are different. Some might say women are more dominant and others might say men are more dominant, but in reality, both are equally important. A man needs a woman and a woman needs a man. One will not simply be the same without the other.

Although there is no end to the stereotype; lets face it, society always judges a book by its cover, whether it is the sex or color. There are many solutions to overcome this, but the foundation of all of these solutions is to not judge and not doubt. Society might create the stereotype, but that does not necessarily mean the individual is supposed to follow it no matter how tempting or “beneficial” it can be. Gender roles do not mean anything. Every culture solidifies roles for each gender, but that does not mean much, because no matter where an individual comes from, what they have been taught, it is nearly idealistic for men and women to set these stereotypes aside, come to an amends in this conflict between who is more superior and work together to have a firm and stable relationship between each other. If one thinks they are more superior to the other, that will not work nine of ten times. Men have certain characteristics women do not have and women have many characteristics men do not have and that is a simple fact no science can prove, it is just common sense. At the end of day, blaming society will not justify anything, because the people are society. No matter how much people preach about change, it is significant to change oneself before mending others.

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