Monday, January 19, 2015

Think Like Gatsby

 Throwing a party with the Gatsby theme where money is not even close to being a problem is just another dream that will be intangible for most of the human population, but since I have the power to let my imagination roam freely, I would have a fair understanding of where my party would take place, what I would include at the party, and who I would invite.

First and foremost, the party would be at Victoria Karabetian's house. In this fantasy Victoria's house is owned by me! The reason I would pick this place is because of how huge the house is and it fits the classy and elegant Gatsby theme. Being the important man I am, since money is not going to be an option, I would not be in charge of decorations, but I fancy it would be something opulent. Aside from my classmates, I would be obligated to send an invitation to any hot shot or big name in the area, just to make the party more popular, important, and exciting. I would be inviting all the actors like Bradley Cooper, Kate Upton, George Clooney, etc. I would invite singers like Beyonce, Jermaine Cole, etc. I would also invite athletes such as Kobe Bryant. Since I would be inviting singers, they would do a short performance of their most famous songs. The beverages would be strictly alcohol and water, because what is a party without alcohol? Food fingers would be placed on tables and waiters would come and provide appetizers to the guest and around time for dinner, a massive steak and chicken would arrive. Then after, everyone would leave and I would enter my royal bed and sleep.


  1. At first I was sad that a party like that would take place at someone’s house. Although when I saw the view, my whole opinion on the matter changed. My favorite part of the party was Kobe Bryant doing some basketball tricks. I was really angry that you did not have French Fries though… Besides that, awesome party!

  2. Wow Sako this is hilarious and I cannot stop laughing! I would definitely attend this party especially since it is at my best friends house. Your choice of food sounds delicious and Your choice of music fits my taste. It would be unneccesary for me not to attend a party like this! Great imagination.
