Sunday, January 25, 2015

ISIS Strikes Again

"Alleged ISIS Video Claims Japanese Hostages Haruna Yukawa Was Executed, Issues New Demand"
By: Eline Gordts and Charlotte Alfred
Source: Huffington Post

ISIS executes another person. ISIS executed a Japanese hostage by the name of Haruna Yukawa. A video was released of a different hostage holding the man's body. "A still image of the second Japanese man held by the group, Kenji Goto Jogo, appears in the video holding a picture purportedly of Yukawa's body. In audio, a man purporting to be Goto pleads for his life and says the militant group is now demanding a prisoner exchange for a suspected female militant imprisoned in Jordan, Sajida al-Rishawi. The Japanese government is trying to verify the video, Japanese state TV said, and convened an emergency cabinet meeting. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called the release of the new message "an outrageous and unforgivable act," and demanded the hostages' release. "We will not give in to terrorism," he vowed" (Source 1). The United States have been investigating on this too, trying to authenticate the video before going through drastic measures. "The Islamic State has killed several hostages from Western countries in recent months, and has announced their deaths in online videos. The militant group has claimed responsibility for the killings of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, American aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig and Britons Alan Henning and David Haines. U.S. President Barack Obama on Saturday strongly condemned the apparent killing of Yukawa" (Source 1).

ISIS's doings need to come to a fortunate disclosure. They have been terrorizing almost every country, executing citizens of those countries, and then demanding for these countries to change their ways. It is unacceptable and needs to end.

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