Sunday, January 11, 2015

Hey, That Was Not Funny!

"French Prime Minister Manuel Valls: We Are At War Against And Radical Islam"
By: Braden Goyette
Source: Huffington Post

The past couple of days Paris had witnessed an extremely tragic day. A terrorist attack to be exact by upset Muslims. The reason they were upset was not the hardest thing to find out since the shooting took place, where the newspapers are made. A newspaper artist decided to make a comic strip about the Muslims prophet, Muhammed, and as funny as it may have been for the publisher and the people of Paris, the Muslims did not find it funny, instead they found it offensive. The Muslims decided to answer back to that comic strip and so they did; killing 17 people in Paris. The United States of America also confirmed it as a terrorist attack. The French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls had something to say about what had occurred and it was not anything towards putting this behind us or peace, instead he said,"We're at war, but not at war against a religion, not against a civilization, but at war to defend our values, which are universal," he said in the wake of the terrorist attacks that rocked Paris this week, leaving 17 people dead. "It is a war against terrorism and radical Islam, against everything aimed at breaking solidarity, liberty and fraternity" (Source 1).

What Manuel Valls said was honorable, bold, and awfully brave. He stood up for what he believes in and protected his country and people. He did not cave, even though 17 people passed away, and said what was on his mind. I do not have a problem with this and I strongly agree with what Manuel Valls exclaimed.


  1. Sako, what a fantastic and intriguing blog you wrote about the last atrocity France witnessed. Seventeen people passed away in only three days in France and I found it quite upsetting. Twelve people passed away because of one comic strip that they had found funny. The problem with all of this is that they had the right to print that comic strip in the newspaper because it was their own joke and opinion about the topic. You tackled the issue creatively in this post and make me quite fascinated with your words. Impressive work!

  2. Sako your choice of words did not impress me. At your brain capacity, one cannot really expect more, but a higher level of grammar can be achieved by using the thesaurus to use words which are more of your age level. The topic you chose almost put me to sleep and I could not wait to finish reading it.
