Sunday, November 9, 2014


Not touching any technology for just half an hour was a tough challenge that I greatly accepted. I felt like a part of me was ripped away from me and after those thirty minutes, when I reconnected with my phone and especially my music, I went back to normal. I went outside and just looked at the sky, the cars passing by, and the people passing my home. I saw this homeless man walking, but in an extremely drunk manner. This pizza man delivered some pizza to the neighboring home and their dog ruthlessly began barking as if the pizza man was a sort of threat to the people he was delivering pizza to. After the pizza man left, the dog stopped barking. All types of people were either going to LACC or leaving, and it made me wonder, where are these people going? Who are they? What do they want out of their lives? Finally, I saw another homeless man, who was Armenian, that was looking at the sky and it looked like he was having an altercation with it. I began to laugh, then I decided that I had done enough without my phone.

Honestly, thirty minutes like this was not enough for me to feel a sort of change or difference. I still feel the same. I felt blessed to have a home and a family because by looking at those homeless people struggling to find shelter or get food I realized how blessed I am to have a permanent home and a loving family I have. I realized that everyone has their own life. Right now I am typing a blog post but somebody else can be doing something totally different. I realized that life keeps moving. It is not worth having a bad day because the world is still going to keep moving, it is not going to stop because you are sad, so their should not be a day where you are sad and you should do whatever you want to do and not pay attention or listen to others opinions because at the end of the day it is your life and you dictate it.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the part where you questioned the actions and intentions of the people at LACC. I often think that about people, and find that I do not think they themselves know who they are or where they are going. Do you think it is possible to never have a day where you are sad? Would happy days not lose meaning in that case?
