Saturday, November 22, 2014


"Somalia's Al-Shabab Says It Killed 28 In Kenya"
By: Tom Odula
Source: Huffington Post

On Saturday al-Shabab infiltrated a bus and made people read from the Koran and those who refused and could not recite them were shot and brutally killed. "Somalia's Islamic extremist rebels, al-Shabab, attacked a bus in northern Kenya at dawn Saturday, singling out and killing 28 passengers who could not recite an Islamic creed and were assumed to be non-Muslims, Kenyan police said" (Source 1). Specifically speaking, nineteen men and nine women were the people who were killed and someone by the name of Ochwodho was though to be killed, but in reality he was not, so he survived and shared his perspective and his eye-witness on the tragedy. Al-Shabab was not ashamed of this act! "Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the killings through its radio station in Somalia, saying it was in retaliation for raids by Kenyan security forces carried out earlier this week on four mosques at the Kenyan coast" (Source 1). The Kenyans were not silent and peaceful about this. They retaliated with force when Kenya's military sent out airstrikes and killed forty-five rebels, so the twenty-eight who were killed; their deaths were avenged and then some. "Ochwodho told AP that the passengers who did not look Somali were separated from the others. The non-Somali passengers were then asked to recite the Shahada, an Islamic creed declaring oneness with God. Those who couldn't recite the creed were ordered to lie down. Ochwodho was among those who had to lie on the ground" (Source 1).

What the Somalian rebels did was absurd! Killing innocent civilians for not being able to recite some sort of Islamic "creed". It was awfully brave for the Kenyans to retaliate in such fashion, bombing a rebel camp and killing forty-five rebels from them. What happened to those twenty-eight innocent people was uncalled for and tragic, may them rest in peace, but it just unfortunate and frightening to see that the world does not have any sense of humanity remaining.

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