Sunday, November 2, 2014

Power Trip

"Power Struggle Plunges Burkina Faso Into Chaos"
By: Brahima Ouedraogo
Source: Huffington Post

Pandemonium struck after the long time president had been forced out of presidency in Burkina Faso, a West African country. One fatality had already been recorded during the outbreak. This is started when Blaise Compaore, a president for 27 years, resigned and fled to Ivory Coast with his family. "About 1,000 people had gathered Sunday afternoon at the Place de Nation in Burkina Faso's capital to demand a civilian and democratic transition a day after the military announced that a lieutenant colonel would serve as interim leader until elections could be held" (Source 1). Saran Serene went to the headquarters who is the opposition politician, was planning on being interim president, but Gen. Kwame Lougue showed up and decided to use military force. The people although, though otherwise, "The army cannot lead us. They have disqualified themselves," said Sankara, who is of no relation to the late slain Burkinabe leader with the same name. "This is the result of a popular insurrection." (Source 1). "We call on the military to immediately transfer power to civilian authorities," said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki. "We urge civilian leadership to be guided by the spirit of the constitution of Burkina Faso and to move immediately towards free and fair Presidential elections."

Considering the fact that Burkina Faso has been stable in the political standpoint ever since Compaore became president brings some worry to the citizens. However, the people should get the power and it would not be a good idea to have a military dictatorship type of government, so it would not be rather right if the army lead the country. The army taking full control of the country is a horrible idea, so a the end of the day the people should get the power and decide what to do with it, but in a proper and fair manner.

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