Sunday, November 2, 2014


Although I do not have a vivid idea on what the year 2035 would be like, I do have a slightly vague imagination. The high schoolers will be rather less social because of how much more advanced the technology is going to be. I could definitely imagine technology being the foundation of every students curriculum with holograms and tablets as computers. There would be no need for any paper. Twenty years from now Siri might be your teacher and all you would have to do is submit your answer my talking to it or typing notes instead of jotting them down like it is done today. The next generation experiencing a backlash concerning education is unlikely because once again the technology would be so advanced that it would corrupt the students mentality and though process and learning ways and study habits. I still believe high school students will go to classes and interact with other students but not as much as it would be now or before now, but if a teacher were to be absent, I can definitely see a robot filling in or a hologram of the teacher popping up and the teacher teaching the class in that form. School will still be based on memorization and the act of just passing the class. I do not think it will ever be about just purely learning the subject. Reading to me is inevitable when it comes to school, because what else can you possibly do if reading literature of some sort is not incorporated into the agenda. Nothing I have said is a guarantee, but one thing is a guarantee and it is that I can not see myself being a teacher ever; not just twenty years from now.

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