Sunday, August 24, 2014

"Speech to the Troops at Tilbury"

Queen Elizabeth's speech, "Speech to the Troops at Tilbury", was a heartfelt and emotionally touching speech. By using SOAPST to decipher the speech and analyze it to get a better understanding, the audience will find out by doing the SOAPST that the subject is on going to war and motivating her people to fight till death. She says during her speech,"in the midst and heat of battle, to live and die amongst you all..."(Elizabeth, 41). She approaches the fact that she is an old lady by saying,"I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king..."(Elizabeth, 41). She uses the proper syntax by using the word we, which states that she is the same as the people she is motivating, but towards the end of the speech she says my people, in order to solidify that she is the Queen of England and their ruler. The occasion is before going to war against the Spanish Armada. The audience is non other than the people of England and the military. The purpose of the queen's speech is to inform and to motivate. The speaker is obviously, Queen Elizabeth I. The speech's tone is rather emotional, powerful, optimistic, and courageous. By putting the SOAPST together the audience understands the reason of why she is giving the speech, who the speech is being addressed to, where the speech is being held, who the speaker is, and also what the tone and purpose of the speech is. The piece proves to be effective to the audience and purpose because after her speech, the English went on to defeat the Spanish Armada. Queen Elizabeth was extremely inspirational, who's speech was arguably a major factor for their victory.

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