Sunday, April 12, 2015

Water Slide on the Niagara Falls

If money were no object, what would you do for your "once in a lifetime" aspect. Why? It needs to be nature related.

On the account of money not being an object, basically unlimited, their would be a lot of nature related aspects I would like to participate in and experience, but only one pops into my head as a "once in a lifetime" aspect. I would make a custom water slide that would fit on the Niagara Falls. For adrenaline junkies, this sounds like the most anticipated and thrill seeking experience. Water sliding on the Niagara Falls would be great for those transcendentalist nature seekers. The Niagara Falls, located in between the international border of the United States and Canada, is actually a collective group of three waterfalls. The reason I would make a water slide on the Niagara Falls is for the memories and the pleasure that people would witness... if they come out alive. The people who would want to do such a dangerous activity, would be subject to sign a waiver if they do indeed die on the way to the bottom of the waterfall. Although it would be fun and a once in a lifetime experience it is by all means at the individuals own risk. Making a water slide that would be equivalent to the size of the Niagara Falls is costly, but I would only complete this process if and only if money would not be of my concern. I do wonder how much it would cost, roughly above a billion because it would be something that has never been made before, it would be an overly complicated custom job.

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