Sunday, October 26, 2014

Obviously Have Not Heard About Separation Between Church And State

"Someone Smashed The Disputed Oklahoma Ten Commandments Monument To Pieces"
By: Sean Murphy
Source: Huffington Post

An individual crashed into the Ten Commandments Monument in Oklahoma too pieces. "The 6-foot-tall monument was erected in 2012 with the blessing of Oklahoma's conservative Legislature. The American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma has been suing to have it removed, arguing that it violates the state constitution and could be seen as a state endorsement of a religion." A sedan was left behind after the crushing of the monument and it was being investigated for clues, so the suspect can be targeted in a faster process. Mike Ritze, a Republican state Representative said that this attack is being considered a hit on Oklahoma and not a religion issue even though the Ten Commandments are basically God's ten rules while living; because of this monument being build many other groups have gotten imaginative and proposed monuments of their own to be made, but in different states. "The monument's placement has led others to seek their own on the Capitol grounds, including a satanic group that earlier this year unveiled designs for a 7-foot-tall statue of Satan. Other requests have been made from a Hindu leader in Nevada and the satirical Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster."

Even people who believe in God should not have agreed to the making of this monument back in 2012. The making of this monument was bound to cause pandemonium because not all people believe in God, others have their own beliefs and viewpoints and that should have been taken under consideration before making this monument. The idea of having a separation of church and state is the exact opposite of what Oklahoma decided to do in 2012.


  1. I agree with you when you said that the monument should not have been built because it would cause pandemonium. This is especially true in the United States, where there is a freedom of religion. It was awesome that you did not stick to talking about Christianity, and talked about the effect this incident would have on many other religions. Overall fantastic post.

  2. I agree with you Sako. Separation of Church and State is a very controversial topic in our nation. The statue of the Ten Commandments should have been built on private property, not public, as that is government controlled. I do not agree with the methods used to get rid of the statue, but I understand the reasons. Very good!

  3. I wonder if the citizens of Oklahoma would have reacted differently if the statue had belonged to another religion? The separation of church and state must be heavily enforced if the citizens of the United States wish to truly feel equal and free. Your argument was intriguing Sako, and I am confident that many other readers will be fascinated by it.

  4. Very well written Sako. I agree one-hundred percent that the topic of religion and state should never be fused with one another. There was an issue related to this topic a while back; non-Christians complained that the Pledge of Allegiance being mandatory went against their freedom of religion, because of the fact that it uses God's name. Issues involved with the mixture of these two topics are always messy. Overall, amazing argument!
