Saturday, September 27, 2014

Hey United States, It's Just Business. No Hard Feelings?

"Turkey Inching Toward Alliance With U.S. in Syrian Conflict"
By: Anne Barnard and Mark Landler
Source: New York Times

"No American ally is closer to the threat of the Islamic State than Turkey, and no country could play a more important role in a coalition that President Obama is assembling to combat the extremist Sunni militants." (1) Although Turkey seems to be the one ally that is the closest to the threat of ISIS, they seem very unenthusiastic and overly resistant to join the forces against ISIS with the United States. The Syrian Kurds are fleeing to Turkey for escape from ISIS while the Turkish Kurds are going into Syria to help their Syrian Kurdish friends. Turkey is in a gigantic dilemma which is defeating the islamic militants or the ISIS while not evolving the power of their Kurdish protesters. Obama is ambitious to get Turkey to join the side opposing ISIS because at the moment Turkey has been aiding ISIS with all sorts of accessories. "Mr. Obama wants Turkey to stop the flow of foreign fighters traveling through the country to join the Islamic State. As a NATO ally, Turkey could also take part in military operations and provide bases from which to carry out airstrikes in Syria and Iraq." (1) Turkey does not want the Kurds to gain power so they will not try to get independence. Although Turkey does not support what ISIS is doing, if Turkey decides to help the United States the Syrian Kurds will generally gain power which is helpful for the Turkish Kurds hungry for independence. Turkey's main concern is tension possibly rising on the border. Supposedly, Turkey sees the Kurds as a much greater threat than the Islamic State.

Turkey does sympathize and understand what the United States have to do, but if they were to participate in the retaliation to ISIS, all sorts of trouble will arise for the Turks. The Kurds will gain power and they will try to break away from the Turkish rule. As said in the New York Times, Turkey thinks of the Kurds as a much more threatening group to their cause then the Islamic State, so there is high doubt that Turkey will take the leap of faith and help the United States put a stop to the Islamic State. In the picture above Turkish Kurds watch closely as the Kurdish forces fight off the Islamic State.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Heavenly Flavor

Cookies 'n Cream oh Cookies 'n Cream. Just saying the name brings salivation to my lips and crave to my taste buds. You are more a need than a want because I am convinced that I simply cannot live without the intense flavor of Cookies 'n Cream roaming in the depths of my stomach. This flavor serves as an edible companion. It does not matter whether it is your darkest hour or your brightest day, enjoying this ice cream flavor is inevitable and amazing. Considering the creation of this heavenly flavor, I am more than assured that a God of some sort exists because something this delicious cannot be man-made, no way! It is what keeps me sane and makes me stay in this happy state of mind. The beauty is indescribable, just thinking about it brings tears of joy streaming down my face. This flavor totally freezes time and allows me to make the days count and not count the days. All the adjectives in the world could not possibly describe the taste. You would have to taste it to feel how I feel. The first time I laid my eyes on it, I knew something was different about this extraordinary flavor; different and unique from all the others. The Cookies 'n Cream flavor is luscious, creamy, sweet, mouthwatering, appetizing. I could write a book longer than the Bible explaining how amazing this is; truly God's gift, but I would rather have you see for yourself on how amazing the Cookies 'n Cream ice cream flavor actually is.

The Spotlight Leans Over To Different Terrorist Group

"Al-Qaida's Syrian Cell Alarms U.S. More Than Islamic State Militants"
By: Ken Dilanian and Eileen Sullivan
Source: Huffington Post

ISIS or formally known as the Islamic State has the spotlight because of the videos of numerous executions, the United States face a far more further headache. The group's nucleus would be the Khorasan group who are veteran al-Qaida militants are still heavily affiliated with the al-Qaida. "But the Khorasan militants did not go to Syria principally to fight the government of President Bashar Assad, U.S. officials say. Instead, they were sent by al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri to recruit Europeans and Americans whose passports allow them to board a U.S.-bound airliner with less scrutiny from security officials"(1). This brings a far more severe threat to the United States than ISIS because by the recruiting from the Khorasan, the United States could possibly be caught by surprised and when they are not prepared. "In addition, according to classified U.S. intelligence assessments, the Khorasan militants have been working with bomb-makers from al-Qaida's Yemen affiliate to test new ways to slip explosives past airport security. The fear is that the Khorasan militants will provide these sophisticated explosives to their Western recruits who could sneak them onto U.S.-bound flights"(1). Considering this intel the United States should be at the edge of their seat trying to find a conclusion to this jigsaw puzzle. If the Khorasan provide the recruits with these non-detectable bombs which allows them to get past airport security then the United States is in trouble and should immediately put the ISIS situation on hold until this far more threatening problem is brought to rest.

This article finally proves to the citizens and the government of the United States that they are not untouchable and they have a weakness and a loop hole just like every other country. What the United States needs to do is find a solution to this issue that brings alarm and concern to the people who live in the United States. Airport security should be upgraded so bombs that tamper with the security do not exist and are not to worry about. The U.S. needs to fix this and put a stop to it, immediately.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ariana Grande's Album Review

"My Everything"
By: Rob Sheffield
Source: Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone writes a review about Ariana Grande's album, My Everything. The beautiful pop star shocked the world with her debut album in 2013 called, Yours Truly. Rolling Stone says this album, "is where the 21-year-old Nickelodeon starlet grows up"(1). Rolling Stone uses automatic ethos because everyone knows who Rolling Stone is and how famous they are with writing reviews, so the fact that Rolling Stone is writing a positive review about Ariana Grande's album just makes life even better for Ariana. "It's a confident, intelligent, brazen pop statement, mixing bubblegum diva vocals with EDM break beats" says Rolling Stone, which brings a pathos appeal to the audience who enjoys diva vocals and EDM break beats. The claims that Rolling Stone make are that Grande's album is the album where she grows up, the only terrible song was "Just a Little Bit of Your Heart" because it simply did not fit her nor her personality, and also that Grande's voice is better than the select pop, diva, r&b stars such as Selena Gomez. There is no logos appeal to be found because even though it is credible and trustworthy, it is especially opinionated. Some of the audience might like the songs Rolling Stones degraded, but considering the credibility, this website's album reviews are rarely wrong. The Rolling Stone gave Grande's album a three and a half out of five which clearly means it was almost perfect. The reason why it was not a perfect score were some of the songs that the Rolling Stones did not find appealing and some of the features who were not a right fit to Ariana.

Terrorist Group Elects a New Leader

"Somalia's Al Shabab Confirms Ahmad Godane Dead, Names New Leader"
By: Somalia's Associated Press
Source: Huffington Post

After the death of Somalia's al-Shabab extremist rebel group, a new leader was chosen on Saturday. The killing of the former leader was said to be a U.S. airstrike which Barrack Obama confirmed as true, because of the link al-Shabab has with al-Qaida. The U.S. killed Godane also known as  Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr who was a spiritual leader for these terrorist groups. Al-Shabab was offically considered a terrorist group by the United States in 2008. The U.S. had put a seven million dollar bounty on the information that led to Godane's arrest. Al-Shabab has confirmed that they still have connections and are linked with al-Qaida. "The Somali group had to appoint a new leader following the death of Ahmed Abdi Godane who was killed with two other officials by a U.S. airstrike Monday. The attack took place 105 miles (170 kilometers) south of Mogadishu, where al-Shabab trains its fighters" (1). The new leader was agreed to be Ahmad Umar, also known as Abu Ubaidah, said the said rebel commander for al-Shabab, Abu Mohammed. There was doubt that al-Shabab would not be the same after the changing of leaders and they would soon join the Islamic State group, but that was all speculation. Al-Shabab said, "Avenging the death of our scholars and leader is a binding obligation on our shoulders that we will never relinquish nor forget no matter how long it takes" (1).

This article brings worry to the United States. Another terrorist group is on the enemy side of the United States and this just cannot be good. Although the United States is the most powerful country and a terrorist group will not make a big dent on America, more and more countries and terrorist groups are starting to dislike the United States and the one thing we cannot afford is too many enemies, but on the other hand by completing these types of missions the United States has been making some friendly, trustworthy, loyal allies.