Sunday, December 7, 2014

'Tis The Season For A Typhoon

"Typhoon Slams Into Philippines, 1 Million Evacuated"
By: Rosemarie Francisco
Source: Huffington Post

A typhoon hit the Philippines and nearly a million people in the Philippines were evacuated for safety precautions on December 6. "A powerful typhoon roared into the eastern Philippines on Saturday, bringing lashing rain and strong winds that felled trees, ripped off tin roofs and toppled power lines in areas still bearing the scars of a super typhoon 13 months ago" (Source 1). This natural disaster was awfully tragic and heartbreaking for the citizens and the people who call the Philippines home. Fortunately, there was no casualties in the recording of locally named Hagupit Typhoon. Hagupit means "lash" in Filipino. "As the storm barrelled in from the Pacific, power was cut across most of the central island of Samar and nearby Leyte province, including Tacloban City, considered ground zero of the devastating super typhoon Haiyan last year" (Source 1). An eye-witness reported to the Huffington Post, saying, "The wind is blowing so strongly, it's like it is whirling," Mabel Evardone, an official of the coastal town of Sulat in Eastern Samar, said on local radio. "The waters have risen now." (Source 1). The weather bureau PAGASA said, Hagupit had weakened to a category 3 storm, two notches below "super typhoon," but could still unleash huge destruction with torrential rain and potentially disastrous storm surges of up to 4.5 meters.

What happened in the Philippines was tragic. I would not wish that on my worst enemy. To see someone's home get demolished and have an immediate evacuation, knowing if they stay there, they will be in severe danger is just awful and I would like to send my regards and prayers over to the people in the Philippines and I would like them to keep there spirits up, because it can only get better!